208 Mwai Kibaki Road, Mbezi Beach info@qigroup.tz

About Us

Building brands and idea-led experiences that engage people and motivate behavior

Constructing end-to-end experiences through platforms and systems that drive utility and transaction.

Creating and innovating new offerings and services that generate value and drive revenue.

We unlock the potential   of businesses and brands

We are a full-service Creative and Marketing Agency helping companies generate breakthrough new ideas and fostering growth, innovation and digital on a local and global scale.

We understand challenges faced by businesses today and our goal is to do things right by creating marketing solutions that connect brands to people.


Relentless about creating powerful, beautiful, compelling brands that connect, inspire, and drive real results.

We Believe

In digital technology that runs new business opportunities into progressive value.

We are passionate

About business insight, innovative technology, creative ideas, and beautiful designs, but most of all about improved results we can measure.